Package com.alexkasko.unsafe.offheapstruct

Long sized off-heap collections of "structs" (memory areas with equal sizes) with sorting and searching support

See: Description

Package com.alexkasko.unsafe.offheapstruct Description

Long sized off-heap collections of "structs" (memory areas with equal sizes) with sorting and searching support

This package contains implementations of fixed-sized array of "structs" (OffHeapStructArray) and growing array list of structs (OffHeapStructArrayList). Both classes are implemented on top of OffHeapMemory.


Struct here means a memory area (located in off-heap memory or loaded into byte array) of limited size with predefined locations of primitive "fields" in it. Such memory areas may be used like C structs (this library doesn't enforce memory alighment so they are more alike to packed C structs).



Both collections implements Iterable returning elements copying it into one predefined byte array.


Usage example in tests (github links)

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